Hiltz & Associates

for dentists, dental specialists, practice owners and healthcare attorneys.
Since 2004, Hiltz & Associates has continued to earn its distinction as Dentistry’s leading Embezzlement Investigation and Digital Forensics firm.
Unraveling Dishonesty, One Transaction at a Time.
– Fraud & Embezzlement –
Prevention – Detection
Investigation – Remediation
– Litigation Support –
Negligence Claims – Commercial Disputes
– Digital Forensics – Data Audits –
Truth in Data
How can we help you?

Our dental embezzlement and financial investigations are conducted off-site and in-secret. We employ proprietary techniques to ensure a safe, secure and easy to use digital workflow for our clients.
We have decades of experience working with dentists, dental specialists, practice owners, and attorneys in matters involving:
- investigating allegations of fraud and employee dishonesty.
- conducting financial investigations to determine losses due to theft.
- reconstructing data records for matters involving negligence claims.
- digital forensics (determining who did what, and when on a digital device)
Because you need a firm who will get the job done effectively, efficiently and successfully resolve your concerns. If that means going the extra mile on your behalf, that is exactly what we are prepared do.
We play hardball when it comes to fraud, financial tampering, computer crime, employee misconduct, and other wrongdoings. Some less charitable firms might even say that’s what we’re known for.
The 9 to 5 workday doesn’t exist here. We work on our client’s schedules – and because we are a boutique firm, we only take on what we can handle.

We provide litigation support and investigations in matters involving negligence claims, financial disputes, employment conflicts, business or partnership disagreements, financial fraud, and other contentious matters involving dentists, dental specialists and practice owners.
- Digital forensics
- Pre-litigation support
- Discovery analysis
- Expert witness testimony
- Consulting expert (non-testifying)

- Diligence and Assurance Engagements
- Data Mining and Data Analysis
- Private Consultation
- Public Speaking
- Newsletter for Dentists
- Dental FraudBusters

Contact us using the form below
Your information is confidential and is sent directly to William Hiltz.
Inquiries from dentists, dental specialists, practice owners, dental attorneys are welcomed.